The History of Expanded Art Forms.
“Expanded art is about emerging forms and orientations, including performance, installation, 3d fabrication, digital sculpture, public and place based art and experimental and documentary video”.
“Artists over time have turned away from classical traditions, embracing new media and aesthetic ideals and focus was urned from the analysis of arts formal beauty to the interpretation of its cultural meaning”.
Why is it important?
- Art communicates niformation, shaes oureveyday lives and ameks a social statement . It is enjoyed for aesthetic bsuty.
- Every piece of visual art contains at least 2 elements. Value is the most imoortant because it is the foundation of our visual preception.
- At for mthe past holds clues to life inthe past. Art for mthe past constitues to who we are as people. By looking a symbolism ofart, it’s colours and maerials, we can learn more about the culture that produced it.
- It means we can understand our human past and its relationship to thr present.
- Iconography involves analysing the sympbolism of works of art. It shows an interest in art representatino attht time it was created. eg.) identifying the visual elments of a painting and interpreting its meaning.
- The act of making art is one of humanity’s most ubiquious (present, fonud everyewhere) activities.
The history of art:
- Focuses on objects made by humans for a number of spiritual, narrative, philosophical, symbolic, conceptual, documentary, decorative and functional and other purposes, but with a primary emphasis on its aesthetic visual form.
The definition of form in Art.
Lascaux cave paintings
Thomas Wilfred
Daniel Buren
- 1st one is more graphic
- 2nd one is more light
- 3rd one is sound effecive
Initial idea using 2 media.
My idea:
I have a lot of memories of my mental health journey, both good and bad. I am thinking of taking pictures, not to show the memories in particular but to but rather to portray the thoughts and felins I was having during these moments.
I have been through a number of ups and downs but this has made me into the person I am toda. My idea is to initially collect rubbish to symbolise the ‘crap’ times I’ve had and to mould this rubbish into something more beautiful, such as a growing plant or a blooming flower, perhaps.
Artists who worked with rubbish
Tom Deininger
– Trash artist.
– German sculptor, relies on others discarded junk to create art.
– Collects unwanted objects and creates something fresh and beautiful.
– Inspires others to be mindful of how much waste they are throwinG
– Not only is his work fascinating and original, it contains an important
message about waste, recycling and surtainability.
This image interests me because i can relate it to my on ideas.
Yuken Teruya
– Recycled art.
– Japanese artist who transformed the biggest names in capitalism into
mystical forests.
– Inspired by the history of his life in Okenowa, he creates mixed media
installations and sculptures exploring themses of the immeasurable
impact history, politics and consumerism have.
The above image is very warm…
The image to the left is very cold…
Guerra de la Paz
– A group of artists based in Miami.
– Create colourful scultptures from conventional materials such as recycled clothing.
– Pieces are usually interpretations of classic artworks and frequently convey deeply political messages.
– The art questions modern consumer society and the way we use and discard objects that are still in good condtion, eg) clothes.
The work seems to overlap….
Artists who produced photographs to do
with memories.
Edvard Munch
“I do not believe in the art which is not the compulsive result of a man’s urge to open his heart.”
– A troubled artist preoccupied with matters of humsn mortality such as chronic illness sexual liberation and religious aspiration.
– Munch came to treat the visible as thoguh it were a window into a not fully formed, if not fundamentally disturbing human psychology.
– Expressionist and symbolistic artist.
Fabio Interra
– Itlaian artist who defines his style as dramatic, gloomy and emotionally charged.
– Inspired by nature, music, cinema and illustrations.
“I am not a bubbly peron, neither and extrovert, but when i have t oswitch , I do because I need to support adn sustain certian situations around me. I think this can be percieved through my pictures.”
“It’s a littlre hard for me to talk about myself so, the only way is through my photographs.”
– Like myself, Interra says, “I build my pictures before the actual shooting. Very often I have already the mood and the the final look in my head.”
Why i like these images:
Intertwining the two to make my work…
Documentation and analysis
of my work
what i realised