Are artists observers of the world?
I believe that artists are not only observers of the world but also they see what lies beyond. Because everything we make in world has to be seen/ imagined at one point!
Part of John Berger’s quite says, “We never look at just one thing; we are always looking at the relation between things and oursleves.”
I think that every person in the world observes it, however artists use their observations to prorduce something new in the world. They are the fabricators of the things they observe and use their knolwedge of the world to come up wiht innovative ieas, and then produce them.
Art is part of the real world but it can expand to areas beyond our belief. Artists are also human, but the ways in which they see the world and portray their thoughts and feelings in extreme ways is what makes them different to ‘ordinary’ people.
Oservation is a key part to creativity and all artists need this skill. Art requires context and this is done by observing. I believe all artists are observers as the work they make is rodyced from intiaslly seeing something else first.
Christian Marclay

- Visual artist and composer
- Explores connections between sound, music, photography video and film.
- Contemporary art who makes visual art using alot of musical influences.
- Work takes form of collages, sculptures and most recently photgrams.
- Marclay’s collages are a result of the way he works. He says, “The process of editing is what I enjoy most – putting the pieces together and making sense out of them.”I think this is how a collage shows information in a great, descriptive and creative way.
Rebecca Solnit’s quote
Frances Stark’s essay
Sarah MacDonald
Describing just enough of one thing
John Bridle’s New Ways of Seeing
Reflection on Bridle’s Podcasts
Artist Presentation
Using mediums and approaches of my chosen artist
Constance Dejong
More of my own reflections
‘Five Eyes, Citzien Four, John Berger’s Ways of Seeing, Treasure Trove, CULTUS’
A found ‘Ugly’ object
Significance of a slipper.
This torn battered and lacerated ugly slipper holds heartbreaking memories for my depressed mother who missed me immensely when i walked out of home.
She willingly kept the slipper i used to trot about in , by the small wooden shoe rack by her bright butter yellow front door. it reminded her of me being with her and she noticed it everytime she took her shoes off when she arrived safely home.
The slipper is a reflection of the person that i am. It is grey and white (as most of my belongings are) as these are my fvourite colours. It describes my whole look down to my clothes, my home decor and even my car! I prefer to sketch in grey tones rather than colour and i love taking monotone photographs as i appreciate the subtleness and coolness of these.
The slipper is glittery showing my sparkling personality. I always try to be cheery. it is also furry and soft which shows my warmness and kindness . he slipper is somewhat torn and broken and looks like it cant be fixed. These characteristics prove how i feel inside. Torn and broken by the fact that my whole life fell apart and somehow i didn’t feel i could fix it.
It is only one slipprer showing loneliness from its other half which is like the loneliness me and and my mother felt being pulled apart from one another. Even though i would describe the slipper as ‘ugly’, it once held beauty and this could portray the lovely relationship that i had with my mother once before.
The slipper is worn out just like my mother form the stress she went through. It looks like it is about to fall to pieces and this could symbolise the breakdown that my mother unfortunately had. It smells rotten of my stinky feet which gives it an even uglier effect. however, it is still smooth to touch and feels warm and comforting which shows the loving feelings of my mother towards me.
When i decided to visit my mother after a year of not seeing her, i noticed the slipper as soon as i first walked in and pulled my trainers off. I was surprised to notice that she had kept such an unimportant thing for so long, but the importance it had for her, I now see.
I wrote about the slipper because it is a true projection of me, my looks my friendly personality and my tender emotions, and the way it has been looked after, helps you visualise the bent up relationship between me and my mother.
The slipper was genuinely important to my mother and its significance after analysing it, is now much more clearer to me.
So we may see the slipper as ‘ugly’ and destroyed, but the beauty within is the bond between my miother and I, which is still holding all these maimed pieces together.
My experimentation
Research on ugly objects/feelings.
Looking at others pereceptions of ‘ugly’ objects
Consequence of looking at ‘ugly’ objects.